My Gods, I was able to fathom it. You see, many of us above thirty cannot see fine font. The font in the editor is uncomfortably small and there is no alternative unless one has that bloody html babble. Nevermind we who are above thirty weren't taught that stuff in school because it DID NOT EXIST then, we're assumed to know and be conversant in it, ffs...
So how did this antique manage it? I did struggle with a course in html and I do own a number of sites, I actually do most of the administration except where it comes to writing the html babble. For that I rely on younger eyes who learnt the stuff in school and who are eager to be paid for that education. I do change some of the stuff once the original pages are writ but I almost never write in it from scratch, as it were. The results are usually far from satisfactory. Too, my html is limited to that which will be needed for the sites in question. That means I haven't much of it.
Happily, the editor will allow one to start a thing in html, look at it in rich text and then continue in rich text if all is satisfactory. I simply went to the cpanel of one of my sites, went into the public page section and chose one with a short line I could find easily. I copy/pasted the line into a text file and then removed the text and replaced it with the words " Type Here " so I could locate where to put the real ( English ) language in all the html babble. I then replaced the style, size and colour with my preferences. I checked the result in the rich text editor and it worked! I am now typing happily in the rich text editor in a font I can bloody well see even having been awake for over twenty-four hours.
The typepad people really should get the editor fixed......