They have been numerous and varied over the years. Presently they include two retired nurses, an herbologist studying for a chemist's license, several who work other than day shifts, a grandmum who will watch me during the day, several college students who variously studying medicine, behavioural psychology, music, art and a teaching degree with focus on special needs students. Some come in pairs or trios. Others are solitary beings. Some only come if iIve been awake past a certain number of hours, others won't come if I've gone too far. I have a hospice worker comes or sends another so qualified if it's gone sixty hours. At that point I would dearly welcome oblivion, though not the kind they ordinarily deal with, and all I seem to want beyond sleep is to be held.
Most of the time I sleep a little every night, about four hours, usually broken. I have hard time getting to sleep and staying there once it comes. I usually sleep two and a half hours, am awake again for about an hour and a half, sleep again for an hour and a half and then am up for the day. Not the medically recommended dosage but I get along quite well on it, actually. At other times it isn't so nice and I'm awake two days at a time or more. If it gets to seventy-two hours a decision must be made by doctor as to whether I need sedating. Drugs ultimately tend to make it worse but are sometimes necessary to save me organ or brain damage.
Please note this last is a very rare thing, I have only had to be sedated four times in the past decade. Two of those were the same bout, the other two were seperate incidents.
Also note this present bout is nowhere near the extreme end of things.
Tonight my watchers are a culinary student and Friend Artist.